Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Tea Party Foes Infiltrate To Destroy

ALBANY, NY - Opponents of the fiscally conservative Tea Party movement say they plan to infiltrate and dismantle the political group by trying to make its members appear to be racist, homophobic, and moronic.

Jason Levin, creator of CrashTheTeaParty.org, says the group has 65 leaders in major cities across the country who are trying to recruit members to infiltrate Tea Party events for April 15 -- tax filing day.

He says they want to exaggerate the group's least appealing qualities, further distance the Tea Party from mainstream America, and damage the public's opinion of them.

The Tea Party movement generally unites on the fiscally conservative principles of small government, lower taxes, and less spending. Beyond that, the ideology of the people involved tends to vary dramatically.

COMMENT: Is this the American Way? Does this seem to honor our Constitutional rights of Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression?

OR...Does this seem repressive, coercive, dishonest? It's another "pebble" in the stream of change to our way of life. Just like A.C.O.R.N. openly admitted to an agenda of destroying our electoral process, this group now openly states their desire is to discredit and dismantle the movement by whatever means necessary. What is happening to honesty, integrity, and the "Golden Rule" in this country?!?!?!

Everyone needs to wake up quickly and realize that the Tea Party is NOT about race, discrimination, or selfish goals...it arose out of a real, patriotic concern for the health, well-being, and future of this great country! It arose to defend the US Constitution against the present attacks on the very fibers which made this country great.

The root cause of the Boston Tea Party was "no taxation without representation" because America had no voice in the British Parliament. The present day Tea Party gained momentum because of the parallel Health Care Reform - the majority did not want it, yet it was forced upon all Americans and the people are revolting.

But don't think that "ObamaCare" is the only reason for the Tea Party Movement because concerns about our future go far deeper. It's a movement by Americans --- from EVERY race, belief, and background --- to tell government they're getting it wrong on almost every front. That is why the Movement is not Republican, Democrat, Independent, or any other affiliation. DO NOT BELIEVE THE RHETORIC!!!

1 comment:

  1. Once again you are absolutely correct. Of course this would come as much of a surprise to you :-) Keep up the good blogs. You need more followers!!!
