Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Obama "Amused" by the Tea Party

One of the most conservative members of Congress says President Obama must be completely out of touch with reality for making light of the recent Tea Party gatherings around the country.

President Obama said during a Democratic fundraiser in Miami that he was "amused" by anti-tax Tea Party rallies that took place prior to and on Tax Day (April 15). The president told the gathering that he has cut taxes, contrary to the claims of the protestors, and he commented, "You would think they'd be saying 'thank you.'"

Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) attended two Tea Party rallies in Washington, DC, on April 15, and he contends the president's comments are amusing.

Steve King, "The president has to be completely out of touch with America if he's amused by what's going on here," King argues. "We are not amused by what he is doing. [For] the President of the United States to be amused and to say that we all ought to say 'thank you' for what he's done to our economy in this country, the best way to respond to that, I guess, is to laugh."

The congressman wonders if the president will be amused by the results of the upcoming mid-term elections. END QUOTE

COMMENT: Is there really anything else to say about this, except that I've never seen a sitting President be so flippant and unconcerned about what is troubling fellow Americans. Maybe they're not fellow Americans to him.


  1. Love the blog, all people should be able to voice their opinion....which is where my comment comes in! woohoo!!!

    All in all, I agree with a lot of what your posts get at pops. But one thing I'm noticing throughout this is that it's very America centric. While I "like" America, I firmly believe our country, along with many other countries, is a major part of the problem. We need to stop thinking so self minded and band together, as it's the only way the human race will be able to progress forward.

    The more I get in tune with worldwide trends, as well as Ancient civilization trends, the more I realize my own country is digging it's own grave. For starters, Americans don't run this country; corrupt politicians and money grubbers do. However, that's not even the part that bothers me, the part that bothers me is that unless each and every one of us is affected from their failures personally, we all seem to turn a blind eye and in turn fuel the flame.

    That is the mentality of most everyone I observe around me. People littering because they're too lazy to walk 10 ft to a trashcan, people being hesitant to help another brother out because they're black, people feeling "ripped off" cause their MCDonalds supersize fry container wasn't filled all the way to the brim. And how does our gov't respond? Give them more shit to blow money on!!! They need more gadets and caffiene to keep their minds occupied! Illegalize all the "drugs" that have proven since the dawn of humanity to expand our human race consciously and technilogically. Let's keep enforcing a strict set of guidelines, that in certain situations, will make absolutely no which we WON'T make an exception to the rule; law is law, have a nice day!

    Do a little reasearch people, follow the scientists that are taking chances, as they are the ones who time and time again have gone against the grain, knowing that it could cost their career and even possibly life. There are are a lot of scientists currently banding together all around the globe to tackle many problems that soon every human won't be able to ignore anymore...not even America. Why don't we here about this? Cause knowledge to the people is loss of power for the current American organizational structure. Humans get common sense = current gov't being ripped apart.

    We are the change, not Obama, not some other country, but every single human being. We need to start taking responsibility for ourself. And right now, most every single human beings mind is so occupied trying to get that next promotion or gadget, that we can't focus on something we lost looooong ago: the ability to live in harmony with one another and with our surroundings.

    For me personally, the last thing I'm worried about is a country that has been f'ing me sideways and makes me live my perfectly peaceful life in fear because it's not "their" way. I'm worried about us, I'm worried about our planet, as those two things are the ONLY thing we truly have to rely on, else we will perish. And where does this journey start? Well, with oneself. Actions speak volumes.

    -Scott Mr. World

  2. Son, your "rant" has quite a few good points, but is more opinion than fact - would help if you listed more factual info by citing the research you've done.

    Also, you seem to blast the people for their selfishness toward our country then state, and I quote,

    "For me personally, the last thing I'm worried about is a country that has been f'ing me sideways and makes me live my perfectly peaceful life in fear because it's not "their" way."

    Doesn't it seem a little hypocritical to take exactly the attitude you just condemned?

    No matter where you live, if you operate outside the laws of that government, you will live in fear. Societies always have a set of accepted rules/customs/traditions (animal kingdom as well as human), and the moral fabric of that society is torn whenever the people disregard rules made for the common good of that society (our nation in this case). When you live in a society, you have a choice to either accept the rules/customs/traditions of that society, or relocate to one that shares your ideals. Right now you choose to live in this country, so you should accept and abide by their rules for the betterment of this country I love.
