Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Colonel Allen West speaks about Islam Feb 19

Now this is what our country needs! This man has it right, this man is patriotic, this man calls it like it is, this man knows the enemy, this man knows what must be done to the enemy, this man knows what's wrong with our leadership, this man knows the wrong person is sitting as President.....AND....this man is African-American so the race card cannot be used.

Check out his speech on YouTube (title is subject above). It's 10 minutes well spent and, if you're like me, the question that comes to mind is, "Are Americans brave enough to take the stand he states must be taken?" I am and I hope there are many more like me because I strongly believe the consequences of inaction, as stated by him.

I also must correct an assertion I made in an earlier blog post about Islam. I divided Islam into 2 factions - Islam and Islamic Extremists. It is not correct to divide and define them...they are one and the same. Muslims claim Islam to be a peaceful religion but, as Col West stated, Muhammad's teachings, journeys, and assertions were not about peace, but rather about submission to Islam. The key difference between our beliefs and Islam is tolerance - it's zero for Islam.

What we mistake in their religion for tolerance is actually patience. For decades, they have been posturing for dominance by migrating to free democracies, instilling their doctrine into these countries while completely isolating their culture so as not to be "defiled" by the country in which they live. It doesn't seem to me that they come to the USA for the opportunities, freedoms, and way of life - they bring all of that with them. So what's their purpose for doing this? What's the motivation? Why would families leave their homeland, their friends and family, everything they know, to come to America or Europe where the land is full of nothing but "infidels?"

Think of our present situation in the United States. How many Muslims live here today? Very difficult to say because accurate records are not kept. The CIA Fact Book as of 2009, reflects our Muslim population at 1.8 million, only 0.6% of total population. This number only represents actual immigration statistics and does not factor in Islamic converts in the US, nor does it take into account children born into Muslim families in the US. Still, imagine a religious revolt in this country of 1.8 million people - that's quite an army. There's 1.6M in the United Kingdom, but that represents 2.6% of their population, France holds 6.4M - 10% of their total population. Israel? 16% of their population is Muslim...roughly 1 in 6. Are you getting the picture?

I agree with Col West that action must be taken soon, but is the world brave enough for a religious war on this scale? What are the choices? What price are we willing to pay for our freedom? Tough decisions are ahead, but no decision is a decision in itself.

If you believe in the Bible, as I do, then you believe a war is coming. Many signposts point to this war being waged between a mighty nation and the world - sounds right to me. The nation of Islam is a mighty nation (over 1.6B out of total population of 6.8B according to 2009 CIA Fact Book), roughly 24% of the total world population.

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