Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sometimes We Remind Them Why They Shouldn't Attack Us

WASHINGTON (AFP) – A US warship operating in the Indian Ocean captured five suspected pirates Thursday after an exchange of gunfire in international waters near the Seychelles, the Pentagon said.

The frigate USS Nicholas took the piracy suspects into custody after the warship sank a skiff, and confiscated a suspected mother ship, said a statement from US Naval Forces.

"While operating west of the Seychelles in international waters, Nicholas reported taking fire at 12:27 am local time from a suspected pirate skiff and returned fire before commencing pursuit of the vessel until the disabled skiff stopped," the statement said.

"At 1:59 am personnel from Nicholas boarded the disabled skiff and detained three personnel. The boarding team found ammunition and multiple cans of fuel on board."

After taking the suspected pirates on board, the Nicholas sank the disabled skiff and captured two additional suspected pirates on the confiscated mother ship.

"The suspected pirates will remain in US custody on board Nicholas until a determination is made regarding their disposition," the statement said. (END QUOTED ARTICLE)

While the U.S. surely cannot afford another war front, I fear that's the only way to overcome this latest brand of terrorism. I don't think we can actually call this terrorism though as the definition includes instilling fear for political reasons. These hoodlums aren't about anything but the "booty," same as the pirates of old. Still, chalk up one for the good guys.

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