Friday, June 25, 2010

Amnesty As An Executive Order?


I really like the "positives" this proposed Executive Order contains - would stop the immigration protests and make the controversial SB1070 in Arizona effectively null and void. Do they think nobody else is coming across the border now? Is the amnesty for those in the US now, or does it somehow extend to everyone who comes across the border in the future? If not, then Arizona's Bill will be just as effective next week as this week - they're still coming in!!!

What about the economic impact of this Executive Order? Obama just commissioned a panel to examine why the Federal deficit is exploding (results not expected before December). I hope it doesn't contain rocket scientists because that would be a waste of their time. Here's a great way to explode the deficit - take 11 million illegals and give them a blank check to legally get into the welfare and healthcare system. Yep, add 11 million people to the Obamacare portion that the taxpayers have to fund 100% - that's a lot of money that won't go to running our country, BUT it's precisely what Obama's goal has been all along with Obamacare...have the few pay for the majority and have HIS majority dictate how the healthcare system runs.

The only way to float it at all is to have the government handle ALL of the insurance. Yep, bye bye private insurance carriers and bye bye to you keeping your plan, and bye bye to more of your hard-earned money going to cover this "black hole of Federal money."


Jody Brown - OneNewsNow - 6/23/2010 2:25:00

Is Barack Obama drafting an executive order that would grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens?

Illegal alien climbing fenceFox News is reporting that a group of Republican senators have asked President Obama to clarify reports that he is drafting a plan to issue blanket amnesty for millions of people who are in the U.S. illegally. The plan would reportedly be unilateral in nature -- circumventing Congress entirely as the administration struggles to gain support on Capitol Hill for what the administration calls "comprehensive immigration reform" -- and be issued in the form of an executive order.

In a letter to the president, says Fox News, Senators Chuck Grassley (Iowa), Orrin Hatch (Utah), David Vitter (Louisiana), Jim Bunning (Kentucky), Saxby Chambliss (Georgia), Johnny Isakson (Georgia), James Inhofe (Oklahoma), and Thad Cochran (Mississippi) have urged the president to "abandon" what they describe as a plan to "unilaterally extend either deferred action or parole to millions of illegal aliens...."

The letter, sent to the White House on Monday, argues that such a move "would further erode the American public's confidence in the federal government and its commitment to securing the borders and enforcing the laws already on the books."

Fox News points out that an executive order granting a blanket amnesty would likely stem the high number of immigration-related protests across the country -- and would effectively make null and void the controversial bill signed into law recently by the governor of Arizona that allows state authorities to enforce federal laws regarding illegal immigration.

According to the report, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security estimated last year almost 11-million people live in the United States illegally.

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