Thursday, June 10, 2010

Americans Are Throwing Pebbles In The Stream Too!!!

Those who have followed this blog for awhile know one of my mantras is about Obama "pebbles" tossed into the stream of change. Well, with each Primary the majority is speaking out about the way this country is being governed. With each Primary, more incumbents (Democrat, Republican, whatever) are getting nervous about election day.

I'm finding it very comforting that despite the rhetoric emanating from the White House of "knowing what Americans want," the arrogance of condemning without knowing the facts (AZ SB1070, BP response, Boston police), liberal media spoon-feeding the public information and censoring anything that doesn't fit the liberal agenda, the vocal MINORITY convincing us that gays and Mexicans have rights but God-fearing people don't ----- despite all of this, REAL Americans are speaking out in the polls and sending a strong message that it's all a bunch of crap!!!

For the first time in an election, I categorically refused to place my mark beside anyone who was an incumbent. Additionally, I refused to throw my hat in the ring with any candidate who had a liberal background (Art teacher, LAUSD Superintendent, Civil Rights Lawyer, etc.). Is that biased? Yes. Is that fair? No. Is it what this country needs? YES! It's the right thing to do because our government is so imbalanced presently that common sense has taken a vacation. Ideals that only 10 years ago would not even be discussed are now being forced on the American people --- "don't ask, don't tell" policy repealed without public vote, persecution of God in the US of A, bowing to violent leaders, apologizing to the world, unknowledgeable condemnation at the highest level of our government.

Right now "far-right-of-center thinking" is required to regain the balance. Once balance is achieved, then and only then will central thoughts and actions be effective. The majority is speaking out in these primaries and all I can say is, "Thank God common sense and wholesome ideals seem to be making a comeback." I just hope it's not too late to save this country I love.

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