Friday, May 28, 2010

Strange Having A Job Again....

Just a note to let you know I haven't forgotten about this blog. I started my new job Tuesday and am concentrating my brain cells on learning that instead of wasting them on our current regime in D.C.

Plus, there's really no concern anyway, right? I mean, now that the Obama Administration has taken responsibility for the oil in the Gulf. I heard his rhetoric today (did anyone else notice there was only 1 microphone on his lectern?) I heard he was controlling the media, but looks now like it's exclusive coverage only. Also, wasn't the size of the crowd for his news conference just a tad small? Where were all of his supporters? I don't think I've EVER seen a US Presidential news conference draw so few...might be a telltale sign of his continued decline --- we can only hope.

Anyway, back to the issue at hand. So Obama says "the buck stops here," and "we have assumed responsibility of the situation," and "we will take all necessary steps," and my favorite, "we will still look to BP for their expertise in this crisis."

The reality is that nobody knows how to fix this, and that's because the domino-effect failure of all of the fail-safes was inconceivable. I heard a talk show host saying that the Navy could send their submarines down there to assist. He said, "I don't know, but I'm sure they can go down that far." I don't know, and won't pretend I do, but I am pretty sure if they could, the next question would be, "Okay, we're here, now what?" Any idea how much pressure we're talking about at 5,000 feet underwater? I did a free-fall dive to 150 feet and my body compressed enough to reduce my waist size by over 2 inches...multiply that by 33 and you begin to understand the problem. Now realize that it's not linear, but rather exponential, and you really grasp the challenge.

It seems that BP is making progress with this "heavy mud" approach. Hopefully, it will work and this crisis will change to a recovery and restoration operation. However, I don't think it's coincidental that our government "assumed responsibility" once an idea starts showing promise.

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