Monday, March 29, 2010

Why I'm Doing This....

Before the Presidential Campaign began, I seriously considered voting for Obama even though I am a registered Republican. Very early into the campaign, inconsistencies caused me to question his loyalties and abilities to lead this great nation. I found myself rationalizing the troubling "little" things that were causing me pause, but quickly came to realize the "little" things were much larger than they appeared, like the view in the passenger-side mirror on my car.

I decided I could not vote for him, and told friends and family that each of these "little pebbles" alone didn't mean much, but that enough pebbles thrown in the stream will change the course of the river forever.

What are these "pebbles" of which I speak? The "which faith" pebble, the "where was he born" pebble, the "ACORN" pebble, the "Jeremiah Wright" pebble, the "transparency, but I don't disclose anything" pebble, the "bow to Saudi" pebble, the "don't wear the lapel flag" pebble, the "I'll negotiate with anyone" pebble, the "Joe the Plumber comment" pebble, the "governmental disassociation with God" pebble --- need I continue?

If you look back over the past 3 years, the "pebbles" look far more ominous than if you've disregarded each one along the way. Remember that theoretical science project of how to boil a frog? Similar to that, each of these "pebbles" raises the political water temperature a degree, and one degree is essentially unnoticeable. What I'm encouraging is for Americans to take a look at the thermostat rather than trust the present feel of the water. Let's zoom out to the larger picture and see (1) Where we started, (2) Where we are, (3) Where we're heading, and (4) What the final destination looks like if we allow the course to change.

1 comment:

  1. But it seems the "pebbles" are turning into boulders...
