Sunday, July 8, 2012

Well, here's more food for thought. Obama signs an Executive Order essentially granting asylum to the under-30 illegal immigrants, right? I'm still scratching my head on how he can go against our democracy so blatantly and still remain in favor, but I'll save that line of thought for another time. My issue is this and it is a drum I have always beaten regarding right and wrong: When you make decisions based on the symptoms instead of the cause and effect changes accordingly, the foundation of the good intentions are built on shifting sand and cannot endure the litmus test of truth. Huh you ask? Obama granted amnesty to these young illegals which means they can freely apply for a 2-year work permit without fear of deportation and can renew their work permit an unlimited number of times - in other words without even an end game. "The president also made clear the change was not amnesty, immunity or a path to citizenship." Walks and talks like amnesty to me, but I digress. Anyway, let's look at this and see what SHOULD happen legally if our INS properly performs their duties. These under-30 illegals can now come out of hiding and apply for work permits without fear of deportation, right? What if you're the illegal family of these children/young adults? Chances are good these "legal illegals" are living in the same house as the illegal-illegals, right? The other illegals don't fall under this umbrella of protection, right? Now the INS has an address where known illegal-illegals are hiding. Shouldn't it be incumbent on them to properly carry out their duties to identify and deport those who are in this country illegally? Isn't that why they were hired and why our tax dollars are being used? It becomes quite a powder keg for Obama, demanding either repeal of the Executive Order or an order for the INS to stand down and not do their job at all. We should demand that they do the job for which our tax dollars are being used, don't you think? And don't even try to throw the "it's not fair" or "race card" in on this discussion. It wasn't fair that they illegally gained access to the opportunities and welfare of our country while so many law-abiding people are dealing with a complicated system for legal entry and opportunity, it it? And the race card doesn't apply as the law clearly defines illegals without regard to color or origin. Just because the law ends up targeting a certain race in no way means the law was written only for such, so the race card is invalid. For example, just because the prison population has a higher percentage of Black and Hispanic doesn't mean it was racially designed to do's a reality, not an ideology. Now, back to my earlier "drum." I'm sure the Liberals would cry foul over this claiming it's inhumane, against their civil rights and basically unconstitutional with regards to unlawful search and seizure, BUT ----- once you commit an illegal act, you bear the consequences of that act. Simply living out a life illegally does not grant immunity for your illegal act and that's not any different than a murderer living responsibly for years after the crime. In the same manner, what a person has built or accomplished cannot override the fact that it was done on an illegal foundation. Everything AFTER the illegal act cannot and should not be taken into consideration in reaching a decision of deportation. Actually, I'm pretty sure the law is clear - you enter illegally, we find you, we return you to where you were legal. The only breakdown I see is in the lack of resolve our of Federal government to enforce the democratically-decided laws. Even worse, when a sovereign state attempted to enforce it, the Feds tried to handcuff them and when that didn't work, Obama dissolved the Memorandum of Agreement. This is the epitome of a refusal to acknowledge the sovereign rights of each state to protect and care for their people and is EXACTLY what the anti-Federalists feared during the drafting and ratification of our Constitution. Okay, I've jumped off my soapbox. Your turn......

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Let's elect Lt Col Allen White as our next president. I think 4 years of him in the White House might not solve all of our crises, but I do believe it would at least get our focus back on the USA and our vision of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. As a minimum, at least it would end our constant global apologies and cow-towing to those who wish to do us harm. What ya think? Let's hear from you.